MeetCOYY Story

Welcome to MeetCOYY Sdn Bhd (1258420-H)


We always believe that joy is the main reason we are so passionate to share the beauty of movement with all our members. Our members’ joyful smiles and relaxed bodies after classes are priceless and they motivate us to keep on this beautiful journey.

Since the establishment of Two Fairy Hand about seven years ago till MeetCOYY, our founders Shuwen and Combo have been teaching and sharing the art and science of movement and sports despite all the ups and downs. The science of movement relieves the pain and discomfort of the body while performing certain movements or workouts while the art of movement brings appreciation of beauty in every movement, even the simple movement such as walking, sittin, or standing. With a great passion in movement, Shuwen, Combo, and the team endeavor to explore and discover different professional sports and movement education to provide the best learning experience to the members.

From prenatal, postnatal, Kid’s Yoga, Teens Pilates, sports massage and rehabilitation, Pilates to Aerial Yoga, our team provides precise and professional teaching to all our members. We strongly believe that our instructors from different professions will assist you to achieve the best and most comprehensive workout experience. The ultimate goal that we want to convey to you is that no matter what you are doing, as long as you enjoy the sport physically and mentally, then it is a good choice for you.

Join us at MeetCOYY, a studio that emphasizes the science and art as well as the rehabilitation of movements and sports, and experience the joy of precise movements and sports!

“ MeetCOYY自开馆以来我们最希望的是让会员选到合适的教练,因为唯有自己喜欢才会坚持下去!所以7年前 从Two Fairy Hand 搬迁到现在的MeetCOYY经历了几年的风风雨雨。是的,Shuwen老师和Combo老师不断的坚持且继续延续下起科学运动的精神 2023年中后开始走向Somatic movements education 的趋势。Shuwen老师帮助开发给教练的专业项目并设置了各种个样的体验课给新旧会员。在选择教练时,我们会提供专业的建议之外,我们更鼓励会员根据自己体验的感受来进行教练的选择。

全面发展 = 全面平庸。
除了教龄之外,他们拥有犀利的评估能力,所谓 快、狠、准,一触到位,也节省了很多运动的歪路和时间!
市面上那么多的漂漂亮亮的运动馆 ,装潢门面打卡都美!必定有你吸引你的地方。但是你不妨先试一试我们MeetCOYY 这间主打理疗与科学运动的一站式家庭运功馆,让你体验到「运动精准」的品质。我们坚信你不会后悔选择MeetCOYY。”

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